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South East London Pool League


Est. 1970



Q:    When do the South East London Pool League matches and competitions take place?
A:    We are a Monday night league and all matches and competitions take place on Monday evenings, commencing at 8.00pm. No matches are played on Bank Holidays or over the Christmas period and we have a limited operation in August as many people are on holiday.

Q:    How is the league run?
A:    The league is run through a “Committee” comprising Officers elected at the Annual General Meeting and Team Captains – their meetings are known as Officers and Captains Meetings and are held approximately five times per year.

Q:    I live in your area and enjoy playing pool – how do I join a team?
A:    Visit our Teams page and contact one of your local teams either directly or by sending us an e-mail. You can join a team at any time roughly in the first ¾ of the season (this year new players can be registered up to Monday 9th September) – just make sure your Team Captain contacts us to register you as a new player within seven days after your debut match.

Q:    I would like / My pub would like to enter a team in your league – how do we join?
A:    Get in touch with us at any time and we will contact you when we are starting to plan the next season. You can only bring in a team at the start of our season (usually in January or the beginning of February) but do start straightaway to build your squad ready and start getting used to our League Rules and get involved by coming to our events. See our introductory letter to bring in new teams.

Q:     How much does it cost to join the South East London Pool League?
A:     As an individual player it costs you nothing unless your team charges a weekly match fee (often £1 or £2) so that the team can have a big celebration at the end of the season. The entry or registration fee per team for the season is £100 per team or, for venues entering two teams, £180.

Q:     Are there any other costs?
A:    The players have to pay table costs other than for competition finals. In league matches, it’s the home team players that cover the table costs. There are also entry fees for the Singles and Pairs knock out competitions – these are currently £6 per player for the Singles and £6 per player for the Pairs but players entering both competitions pay £10 and, if teams enter at least six players in the Singles and at least three Pairs, the team gets a further 10% discount on the whole fee. This last offer is new this season to encourage more players to enter these competitions.

Q:    How many players are needed for a team?
A:     The League Rules allow a team to start a match with 4 players in attendance and signing the match sheet but at least 6 players are needed to ensure a team can play all frames as team matches are played on the basis of 6 singles frames and 3 pairs frames? If a team is short one or two players those frames are automatically conceded. All nine frames are therefore played in all league matches. We strongly recommend that you have a squad of at least 8 players to choose from and some of our teams have more than that.

Q:    How does the league’s points system work?
A:    There are 10 league points available in each match – 1 point for each frame and a 1 point match win bonus.

Q:    What penalties are there against teams?
A:    If teams fail to turn up for matches without giving the required 48 hours’ notice (see the League Rules), they will automatically receive a five point penalty and the team that claims the match will get an adjustment of seven points.

Q:    What happens if a team needs to postpone a match?
A:    Postponements must be agreed between the Captains in advance of the date the match is due to take place and a new date set by them. The League Secretary must also be informed as soon as possible.

Q:    Are there any other bonus points available to teams?
A:    Teams will get an additional bonus point for each Officers and Captains meeting attended and, if they attend all of them, there will be a further three additional bonus points.

Q:    What if my team’s Captain cannot attend an Officers and Captains Meeting?
A:    He or she should arrange for another member of the team to be the team’s representative at the meeting. Bonus points will still be available to all teams represented. To ensure a level playing field, teams that have League Officers among their players have to be represented at meetings by someone who is not a League Officer.

Q:    What is expected of the host venue on match nights?
A:    A pool table that is fit for purpose along with a rest and spider (in case a player needs either during the match) and to make food available to players (league matches only) usually at the end of the six singles frames – not just a basic plate of sandwiches but something more substantial although our players would not expect you to provide a banquet. If you need to cover costs of that, some of our venues do that by selling football cards, for example. It would also be helpful, when laying on food, if venues could be respectful of different cultures and potential allergies.

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